Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Technological Discoveries!

Today I visited the following blogs: Little Ox, Bub's Baluba Blog, Jenna's Blog, Chelsea's Creative World, and Sara's Site of Stuff.

At Little Ox I learned that paper was invented over 2000 years ago by Ts'ai Lun in China. People back then would sometimes pound rags, roppes, and even old fishing nets into pulp to make good paper-making fibres. They also used the hemp plant or the inner bark of the mulberry tree for fibre.

At Bub's Baluba Blog I learned that flat glass mirrors were invented in 1291 by an exclusive group of artisans. These new glass mirrors gave clear and undistorted reflections so that people could see themselves more clearly.

At Jenna's Blog I learned that glasses were invented in Italy around 1281 by Salvino D'Armate.

At Chelsea's Creative World I learned that the pocket watch was invented in the 16th century (1510) by Peter Helein, a master locksmith who's from Nuremburg, Germany.

At Sara's Site of Stuff I learned that the pencil was invented 1795 although graphite was discovered 1564 in Borrowdale, England. The wooden pencil was invented by Nicholas Jacques Conte.

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